Taxonomy: s.f. Schistosomatoidea
Animal: Schistosoma haematobium (pathology) 1 15.jpg
Sites: Blood / Vascular
Schistosomiasis - treatment. This infection was in an Australian traveller to Africa infected while wading in infected waters. Although asymptomatic, she presented for testing 2 months after returning home when a fellow traveller presented with seizures and was found to be infected. She was treated with 20mg/kg Praziquantel every 4 hours for 3 doses. The urine was re-examined 1,3,6 and 12 months later to ensure success of treatment. This case emphasises the importance of obtaining the best prophylactic advice, avoiding eating suspect foods, taking appropriate measures to avoid arthropod bites, avoid wading in suspect waters and having some tests when the traveller returns, especially if it has been an intrepid adventure and even if asymptomatic.
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